
Aku tak sure ada atau tak perkataan di tajuk tu tp skrg itu yang kurasa. Pering merujuk pada bau hancing yang menyucuk hidungku. Boleh pulak si umar terkencing atas katil. Then selamba nak peluk2 aku dengan bau hancing ni. Heh. Kuasa tau.

Esok jelah tukar cadar. Skrg tahan jelah hidung tu. Kang sibuk2 nak tukar semua makhluk atas katil (sawda n umar) terjaga. Lagi jadi masalah.

Esok melaka cuti. Tapi aku takde plan nak pi mana2. Poket kering. Tadi pi mph pun gesek kad. Syok je tenyeh. Beli buku slumdog millionaire. Nak beli dvd pun boleh tapi aku ni kalau tgk dvd takde momentum le. Nak best kalu, terus mewayang atau tunggu hbo/starworld tayang. Dvd sex and the city dgn 27 dresses pun tak habis tengok okeh. Maka aku give up dvd-dvd ni.

Besides slumdog, aku order middlesex by jeffrey eugenides. Boleh takde kat kedai2 buku kat melaka? Very the ketinggalan la melaka ni. Benda2 macam ni yang buat aku fedup dok melaka.

Anw back to the book, it was initially promoted by ms ngantukalways. Since then aku cari tapi tak jumpe. Eh dah cite tadi. Mph online pun sucks asyik tak boleh checkout. Now ni login pun takbley. Oh melalut lagi. The author was awarded the pulitzer prize for the book. Then oprah book club pun suggest jugak. Haruslah kubaca kan.

Told the husband we need new book shelves. Buku makin banyak, then aku stack aje. So lost track mana dah baca mana belum (merujuk pada buku2 laki aku). Itupun byk buku aku bagi pinjam pada adik-beradik aku. Kalau tak lagi bersepah. Ada buku yang didn’t make it to the existing shelf. Instead looks like it will permanently located in the toilet. Yeah i still read in the loo sometimes.

Sekarang hujan lebat. Syok gila kalau dapat tido. I think that’s what i am gonna do. Btw the pic above were snapped at sengheng when we were tv hunting. Tv skrg buat hal. Kalau bright sgt terus dia padam. Jangan harap nak tgk E! Tapi we can still tolerate lagi. Nak beli tv baru rasa membazir je pulak.

Eh eh nak tido lah. Hujan dah nak reda. Nite2.


Aku tak sure ada atau tak perkataan di tajuk tu tp skrg itu yang kurasa. Pering merujuk pada bau hancing yang menyucuk hidungku. Boleh pulak si umar terkencing atas katil. Then selamba nak peluk2 aku dengan bau hancing ni. Heh. Kuasa tau.

Esok jelah tukar cadar. Skrg tahan jelah hidung tu. Kang sibuk2 nak tukar semua makhluk atas katil (sawda n umar) terjaga. Lagi jadi masalah.

Esok melaka cuti. Tapi aku takde plan nak pi mana2. Poket kering. Tadi pi mph pun gesek kad. Syok je tenyeh. Beli buku slumdog millionaire. Nak beli dvd pun boleh tapi aku ni kalau tgk dvd takde momentum le. Nak best kalu, terus mewayang atau tunggu hbo/starworld tayang. Dvd sex and the city dgn 27 dresses pun tak habis tengok okeh. Maka aku give up dvd-dvd ni.

Besides slumdog, aku order middlesex by jeffrey eugenides. Boleh takde kat kedai2 buku kat melaka? Very the ketinggalan la melaka ni. Benda2 macam ni yang buat aku fedup dok melaka.

Anw back to the book, it was initially promoted by ms ngantukalways. Since then aku cari tapi tak jumpe. Eh dah cite tadi. Mph online pun sucks asyik tak boleh checkout. Now ni login pun takbley. Oh melalut lagi. The author was awarded the pulitzer prize for the book. Then oprah book club pun suggest jugak. Haruslah kubaca kan.

Told the husband we need new book shelves. Buku makin banyak, then aku stack aje. So lost track mana dah baca mana belum (merujuk pada buku2 laki aku). Itupun byk buku aku bagi pinjam pada adik-beradik aku. Kalau tak lagi bersepah. Ada buku yang didn’t make it to the existing shelf. Instead looks like it will permanently located in the toilet. Yeah i still read in the loo sometimes.

Sekarang hujan lebat. Syok gila kalau dapat tido. I think that’s what i am gonna do. Btw the pic above were snapped at sengheng when we were tv hunting. Tv skrg buat hal. Kalau bright sgt terus dia padam. Jangan harap nak tgk E! Tapi we can still tolerate lagi. Nak beli tv baru rasa membazir je pulak.

Eh eh nak tido lah. Hujan dah nak reda. Nite2.


Heh, esok aku akan ke Putra, finally.

Hantar budak macam biasa pergi kerja, petang nanti en suami ambil hantar ke rumah mak aku atau maybe bawa ke hospital kalau aku ok.

Aku tak biasa tidur sorang-sorang.


So nak sawda buat peneman, plus kalau ida takde jenuh akak nak kena pump susu nanti.

The surgery is scheduled at 3 pm. Aku ada buat research sikit, it takes about 40 mins for the procedure to be done.

Tadi malam borak-borak dengan Aimi. Tanya la itu ini pasal surgery ni. Dia kata inilah masalahnya bila patient dah pandai dan banyak resources. Nanti macam-macam ditanya.


Betullah, kadang-kadang ignorance is bliss. Bila dah tahu kecut perut pulak.

Petang tadi aku ym dengan satu colleague dari PD. Bila cerita esok aku MC semula, dia pun tanya kenapa.

Yang buat aku terharu, dia siap call tanya itu-ini sebab dia tak penah pun dengar aku ada hemorrhoid tiba-tiba je nak masuk spital.


Sakit yang ini malu sikit nak cerita, but man, aku kenal ramai orang yang ada masalah yang sama. My advice is, go get some help. Jangan malu jangan segan.

Dulu-dulu pun aku malu gak. Macamana nak explain kat doktor. Karang dia nak cek takkan nak tonggeng. Tapi aku gagahkan jugak masa mengandungkan sawda dulu.

Harap-harap esok semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Maybe it is just a minor operation, but yang aku lebih risaukan ialah Sawda di rumah mak.


Oh belum packing lagi la pulak. Ni part paling malas ni.

Nak tidur dulu.

Selamat malam malaysia!


Heh, esok aku akan ke Putra, finally.

Hantar budak macam biasa pergi kerja, petang nanti en suami ambil hantar ke rumah mak aku atau maybe bawa ke hospital kalau aku ok.

Aku tak biasa tidur sorang-sorang.


So nak sawda buat peneman, plus kalau ida takde jenuh akak nak kena pump susu nanti.

The surgery is scheduled at 3 pm. Aku ada buat research sikit, it takes about 40 mins for the procedure to be done.

Tadi malam borak-borak dengan Aimi. Tanya la itu ini pasal surgery ni. Dia kata inilah masalahnya bila patient dah pandai dan banyak resources. Nanti macam-macam ditanya.


Betullah, kadang-kadang ignorance is bliss. Bila dah tahu kecut perut pulak.

Petang tadi aku ym dengan satu colleague dari PD. Bila cerita esok aku MC semula, dia pun tanya kenapa.

Yang buat aku terharu, dia siap call tanya itu-ini sebab dia tak penah pun dengar aku ada hemorrhoid tiba-tiba je nak masuk spital.


Sakit yang ini malu sikit nak cerita, but man, aku kenal ramai orang yang ada masalah yang sama. My advice is, go get some help. Jangan malu jangan segan.

Dulu-dulu pun aku malu gak. Macamana nak explain kat doktor. Karang dia nak cek takkan nak tonggeng. Tapi aku gagahkan jugak masa mengandungkan sawda dulu.

Harap-harap esok semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Maybe it is just a minor operation, but yang aku lebih risaukan ialah Sawda di rumah mak.


Oh belum packing lagi la pulak. Ni part paling malas ni.

Nak tidur dulu.

Selamat malam malaysia!

@ Work

Finally, here i am, returning to work after almost 2 weeks on Medical Leaves.

My eyes are still swollen but not as bad as they did last week. The gatal-gatal badan is still there. It is not campak so i guess it could be just some rashes.

I need to finish some work before i disappear from the office again.

Disappear again?

I am suppose to be admitted to Putra Hospital for a procedure to be done to treat my hemorrhoid but no, i change my mind and go to work instead.

There are few things i need to settle before i can let myself be admitted like who will babysit sawda when i am not around, will the surgery hurts (of course la kan), how long is the recovery period, and most importantly is that i just don’t want to be apart from the kids.

The Doc said that normally, after undergoing a PPH (Procedure for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids), a patient will be discharged on the 2nd day but i still feel a bit reluctant.

Biasalah tu kan. Tak sakit memangla reluctant. Bila dah sakit tak boleh duduk, tak boleh baring semua baru terpekik terlolong cari doktor.

And the husband, i don’t know what he thinks about all these – about me undergoing the operation, and being hospitalized.

During my entire life, i have been hospitalized for more than 3 times, all because of pregnancy complications and labours. For all those times i have been in the hospital, he will come visit me like he visits any other friends or relatives. I mean, i don’t feel special at all.

Maybe that is just him. Maybe he is busy taking care of the kids. Maybe he thinks that it is not a big deal that i need to be admitted and be observed by the doctors and nurses.

That’s why when he was sick and feverish the other day, i treated him exactly the way he does everytime i fall sick and he got mad with me.

Bukannya sengaja buat macam tu, i just learn and react from the experience.

The insurance guy called me this morning asking me to go to the hospital since the company has issued the GL already.

Damn. Efficient sangat la pulak.

@ Work

Finally, here i am, returning to work after almost 2 weeks on Medical Leaves.

My eyes are still swollen but not as bad as they did last week. The gatal-gatal badan is still there. It is not campak so i guess it could be just some rashes.

I need to finish some work before i disappear from the office again.

Disappear again?

I am suppose to be admitted to Putra Hospital for a procedure to be done to treat my hemorrhoid but no, i change my mind and go to work instead.

There are few things i need to settle before i can let myself be admitted like who will babysit sawda when i am not around, will the surgery hurts (of course la kan), how long is the recovery period, and most importantly is that i just don’t want to be apart from the kids.

The Doc said that normally, after undergoing a PPH (Procedure for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids), a patient will be discharged on the 2nd day but i still feel a bit reluctant.

Biasalah tu kan. Tak sakit memangla reluctant. Bila dah sakit tak boleh duduk, tak boleh baring semua baru terpekik terlolong cari doktor.

And the husband, i don’t know what he thinks about all these – about me undergoing the operation, and being hospitalized.

During my entire life, i have been hospitalized for more than 3 times, all because of pregnancy complications and labours. For all those times i have been in the hospital, he will come visit me like he visits any other friends or relatives. I mean, i don’t feel special at all.

Maybe that is just him. Maybe he is busy taking care of the kids. Maybe he thinks that it is not a big deal that i need to be admitted and be observed by the doctors and nurses.

That’s why when he was sick and feverish the other day, i treated him exactly the way he does everytime i fall sick and he got mad with me.

Bukannya sengaja buat macam tu, i just learn and react from the experience.

The insurance guy called me this morning asking me to go to the hospital since the company has issued the GL already.

Damn. Efficient sangat la pulak.


I wrote an entry on hemorrhoid and then i saw this entry on buasir from pas123.

I wasn’t sure if it is a coincidence or the blogger read my blog. 🙂

Anyway, it is a good article and the entry led to a question from the husband,

“awak malu tak orang tahu awak ada buasir?”

well, if i am shy of it, i won’t be blogging about it will i?

However he said that i didn’t write directly that i have buasir, instead i wrote hemorrhoid. Regular person doesn’t know what hemorrhoid is.

Ok, whatever. 😛

i know it is kind of embarrassing to have it and what’s more telling people about it but i believe it happens to most of us.

It happened to me when i was pregnant. A friend of mine had it when she was pregnant and after her delivery.

She asked me what to do and i told her to consult the doctor. I did that too.

What is there to be shame of?

Orang mencuri pun tak malu, ini pulak orang yang sakit.

Anyway, i was prescribe with Daflon for hemorrhoids and Forlax (laxative) to soften the stool.

My mistake was not mentioning about my lactating situation. Thus i had to do some googling to make sure that it won’t bring any harm to my baby.

Well, Daflon is safe for lactating women because the passage to the breastmilk is minimal.

The same goes to forlax.

Normally whatever is ok for lactating women will be ok too for pregnant women.

I hope this helps. Don’t be shy if you have hemorrhoids. Go get some help.


I wrote an entry on hemorrhoid and then i saw this entry on buasir from pas123.

I wasn’t sure if it is a coincidence or the blogger read my blog. 🙂

Anyway, it is a good article and the entry led to a question from the husband,

“awak malu tak orang tahu awak ada buasir?”

well, if i am shy of it, i won’t be blogging about it will i?

However he said that i didn’t write directly that i have buasir, instead i wrote hemorrhoid. Regular person doesn’t know what hemorrhoid is.

Ok, whatever. 😛

i know it is kind of embarrassing to have it and what’s more telling people about it but i believe it happens to most of us.

It happened to me when i was pregnant. A friend of mine had it when she was pregnant and after her delivery.

She asked me what to do and i told her to consult the doctor. I did that too.

What is there to be shame of?

Orang mencuri pun tak malu, ini pulak orang yang sakit.

Anyway, i was prescribe with Daflon for hemorrhoids and Forlax (laxative) to soften the stool.

My mistake was not mentioning about my lactating situation. Thus i had to do some googling to make sure that it won’t bring any harm to my baby.

Well, Daflon is safe for lactating women because the passage to the breastmilk is minimal.

The same goes to forlax.

Normally whatever is ok for lactating women will be ok too for pregnant women.

I hope this helps. Don’t be shy if you have hemorrhoids. Go get some help.

The hemorrhoid returns

Yes, it returns again and i am RM60 broke just by going to Klinik Dr Jamal just now.

It keeps recurring so i asked the doctor as how to treat it.

He suggested an operation. Just go to the General Surgeon and get it cut.

Wahhhhhhhhh takutnya. However, maybe someday i’ll give it a thought – especially when i have check my insurance documents to make sure that it is covered.

Btw, i got to meet Dr. Jamal’s wife. She was working behind the counter today. The moment i saw her, i knew that she must be his wife because she is just too pretty and stylish to be working as the clinic attendant.


Oh, why is the story with Dr Jamal?

He is now our favourite doctor. I have stopped going to Dr. Maryam’s for few reasons.One of it is because there is just too many patients there, and it is time consuming to see her.

Lagipun Klinik Dr Jamal dah cantik sekarang. 🙂

Oh, on the other news, i need not have to go to Putrajaya tomorrow.

The Director’s PA read the date wrongly.

I hope my boss will be around on the 13th. So i can escape from having to attend the meeting.

And i wonder why my right hand is so itchy. Nak dapat duit kot.

But from where eh?

The hemorrhoid returns

Yes, it returns again and i am RM60 broke just by going to Klinik Dr Jamal just now.

It keeps recurring so i asked the doctor as how to treat it.

He suggested an operation. Just go to the General Surgeon and get it cut.

Wahhhhhhhhh takutnya. However, maybe someday i’ll give it a thought – especially when i have check my insurance documents to make sure that it is covered.

Btw, i got to meet Dr. Jamal’s wife. She was working behind the counter today. The moment i saw her, i knew that she must be his wife because she is just too pretty and stylish to be working as the clinic attendant.


Oh, why is the story with Dr Jamal?

He is now our favourite doctor. I have stopped going to Dr. Maryam’s for few reasons.One of it is because there is just too many patients there, and it is time consuming to see her.

Lagipun Klinik Dr Jamal dah cantik sekarang. 🙂

Oh, on the other news, i need not have to go to Putrajaya tomorrow.

The Director’s PA read the date wrongly.

I hope my boss will be around on the 13th. So i can escape from having to attend the meeting.

And i wonder why my right hand is so itchy. Nak dapat duit kot.

But from where eh?